The Whole Doula Podcast

the whole doula podcast

The Whole Doula Podcast is a conversation space for doulas and birth workers to talk about the diverse paths that led them to birth work, as well as the diverse and unique skills, interests and offerings they bring to their birth keeping roles.

Here I dive into conversations with others who may be wondering how to bring the different aspects and experiences of their own lives into their roles as doulas in business. After all, there is more than one way to doula and I’d love to help others see the connections between all the different parts of themselves, to see themselves as a Whole Doula.

Would you like to feature as a guest on The Whole Doula Podcast?

If you’d like to be a guest on the podcast, please fill out the form below. I’d really love to capture a broad range of experiences and representations in these conversations, so please think about what is different and unique to you, and tell me about it!

I will be recording again in early 2024 and will reach out to people I believe will be a good fit with an invitation to speak then.

Register your interest in the Whole Doula podcast
Please fill this out if you'd like to arrange a conversation with me on the Whole Doula podcast. I will get back to you as soon as I can!
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